About Us

Micro Academy Labs is a family-owned and operated business located in Portland, OR. We build educational and reference apps for the web, Android, and iOS. Our website highlights the website and app projects we are currently maintaining. All of our current products are available to use for free as our income is derived exclusively from advertising. We hope you will find the solution to your educational needs in our portfolio.

We are always open to suggestions for new and improved products. Please contact Micro Academy Labs by email: admin@microacademylabs.com with any questions or comments. For the quickest response, be sure to include the name of the product in your subject line. (Or “New Product Idea” if your suggestion does not pertain to anything in our current portfolio.)

We are occasionally available to provide programming for new educational products and are looking for part-ownership in the product rather than an hourly rate. From time to time we may also be interested in acquiring existing educational websites and apps.

Our Team

Christopher Carter
Venture Capitalist

Rebecca Freeman
Creative Director

Johnathan Smith
QA Manager

Karen Freeman-Smith
Owner & CIO